Welcome to Parkview Wills, Will Writing and Estate Planning Services

Parkview Wills aim is to ensure your estate planning wishes are catered for. We guide you through the various will, trust and lasting power of attorney options to protect you and your family. Estate planning gives you peace of mind your assets are distributed to the beneficiaries who you want to benefit from your estate. 

Consultations with us can be done without you having to leave you own home.

Having a valid Will is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your family is taken care of when you are no longer here. Three in five UK adults (59%) have not written a will, research from Canada Life on 28 September 2020 revealed. This equates to 31 million people, whose property, financial and other assets could be left to someone they have not chosen when they die.

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) are completely separate legal documents to your will although many people put them in place at the same time as getting their will written. Having a LPA would give you peace of mind someone you trust can look after your affairs if you became unable to do so during your lifetime. This may occur, for example, because of an accident, illness or old age.

The witnessing of your will is called the Attestation. Parkview Wills will endeavour to be present when you and your witnesses sign your will to ensure this is done correctly. 

There are many details to consider when planning a funeral such as burial or cremation. You may want to leave clear instructions with your family in order to personalise your legacy. A discuss with your family how you would like your funeral service to proceed will make planning your funeral more straightforward while taking the weight off your loved one’s shoulders.

There are many different types of life insurance currently available. But do you know which type of life insurance will be most suited to your individual needs. 

Probate is the term for a legal process in which a will is reviewed to determine whether it is valid and authentic. Probate also refers to the general administering of a deceased person’s will or the estate of a deceased person without a will.